[Tex/LaTex] Drawing a flag with TikZ


I am trying to create a flag in TikZ but aesthetically it's not the best. Here is my MWE:

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.25,transform shape]
\draw[rounded corners=0.1pt] (0,2) rectangle (0.2,4);
\node[tape, draw,right] at (0.32,3.55) {\vphantom{\large i}\hphantom{TEST}};
%\draw[xshift=0.25cm](0,4) -- (1,4) -- (2,3) -- (3,2) -- (2,2) -- (1,2) -- (0,2) -- (0,4)--cycle;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% or%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1.00mm, y=1.00mm, inner xsep=0pt, inner ysep=0pt, outer xsep=0pt, outer ysep=0pt]
\path[line width=0mm] (138.71,542.78) rectangle +(14.34,14.44);
\path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L] (140.71,555.13) [rotate around={270:(140.71,555.13)}] rectangle +(10.35,1.73);
\path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L] (142.93,554.82);
\path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L] (142.98,549.72) .. controls (142.98,549.72) and (142.98,549.72) .. (142.98,549.72) .. controls (142.99,551.40) and (143.07,553.03) .. (143.01,554.75) .. controls (143.00,554.94) and (142.98,555.18) .. (143.11,555.20) .. controls (144.51,555.37) and (146.55,554.72) .. (147.61,553.60) .. controls (148.77,552.38) and (150.28,551.53) .. (150.87,552.64) .. controls (151.02,552.93) and (151.94,548.83) .. (147.57,549.33) .. controls (146.00,549.51) and (144.56,549.84) .. (142.98,549.72) -- cycle;
\path[line width=0.30mm, draw=L] (147.56,553.67) -- (147.53,549.33);

enter image description here

The second is drawn with TpX. The display are not the best. Maybe a flag like the one shown here in tex.stackexchange.com would suffice.

enter image description here

I am really just looking for a neat representation of a flag which I can scale. This flag will be displayed like an icon on my Lecture Notes for important milestones in certain topics.

Best Answer

A black flag but it's easy to change the form or the colors



    \begin{scope}[every path/.style={fill=black}]
        \draw (-.2,0) to [bend right] (.2,0) -- (.2,8) to [bend left] (-.2,8) -- cycle;
        \draw (0,8) circle (.4) ;
    \draw [rounded corners] (.2,7.6) to [out=60 ,in=180] (3,8) to [out=0, in = 200] (8,9) to [out=-85 ,in=85] (7.5,4) to [out=220,in=0](5,3) to [out=180,in=10] (.2,3) to [out =85,in=-80]  (.2,7.6) ; 

    \begin{scope}[every path/.style={shade, top color=black,bottom color=darkgray}]
        \draw (-.2,0) to [bend right] (.2,0) -- (.2,8) to [bend left] (-.2,8) -- cycle;
        \draw (0,8) circle (.4) ;
    \draw [rounded corners] (.2,7.6) to [out=60 ,in=180] (3,8) to [out=0, in = 200] (8,9) to [out=-85 ,in=85] (7.5,4) to [out=220,in=0](5,3) to [out=180,in=10] (.2,3) to [out =85,in=-80]  (.2,7.6) ; 


    \begin{scope}[every path/.style={fill=black}]
        \draw (-.2,0) to [bend right] (.2,0) -- (.2,8) to [bend left] (-.2,8) -- cycle;
        \draw (0,8) circle (.4) ;
\clip [rounded corners] (.2,7.6) to [out=60 ,in=180] coordinate[pos=.95] (h1) (3,8) to [out=0, in = 200]  coordinate[pos=.5] (h2) (8,9) coordinate(h3) to [out=-85 ,in=85] (7.5,4) coordinate(b3) to [out=220,in=0] coordinate[pos=.85] (b2)(5,3)  to [out=180,in=10]  coordinate[pos=.5] (b1)(.2,3) to [out =85,in=-80]  (.2,7.6) ;
\fill[blue] (-1,9) -- (h1) to[out=-85,in=80] (b1) -- (0,0) --cycle;     
\fill[red] (h2) to[out=-85,in=80] (b2) -- ++(0,-0.75) -- ([yshift=-1.25]b3) --(b3) to  [out=85 ,in=-85]  (h3) -- cycle  ; 
\draw[thick] [rounded corners] (.2,7.6) to [out=60 ,in=180] coordinate[pos=.95] (h1) (3,8) to [out=0, in = 200]  coordinate[pos=.5] (h2) (8,9) coordinate(h3) to [out=-85 ,in=85] (7.5,4) coordinate(b3) to [out=220,in=0] coordinate[pos=.85] (b2)(5,3)  to [out=180,in=10]  coordinate[pos=.5] (b1)(.2,3) to [out =85,in=-80]  (.2,7.6) ;      
\draw[thick]  (h1) to[out=-85,in=80] (b1); 
\draw[thick]  (h2) to[out=-85,in=80] (b2);  


enter image description here