[Tex/LaTex] Creating a titlepage


I want to create a titlepage as the one shown here.
But I don't know how to put a line under the logo and get the text and all the stuff in the right position.

I've tried some things with:




but it's still not looking like the pdf. Any ideas, suggestions or solutions?

Best Answer

Working upon Harish Kumar answer, we can get the following:

enter image description here

\documentclass[12pt,demo]{report} %% Remove demo in your file.
\usepackage{lipsum}% Used for dummy text.
\definecolor{namecolor}{cmyk}{1,.50,0,.10} % Here I am trying to define the font color that is used in the example but I don't really know which one is it so I leave this to the OP to figure out
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\newgeometry{left=7.5cm} %defines the geometry for the titlepage
\textbf{\textsf{UniversitätsKlinikum}} \textcolor{namecolor}{\textsf{Heidelberg}}
{\huge \textsf{Handbuch 1.3}}
\textsf{August 2008}
\restoregeometry % restores the geometry
\nopagecolor% Use this to restore the color pages to white
% ----------------------------------------------------------------

There are several things to improve like may be using minipages, etc. An update as suggested by Harish Kumar is to use the geometry package as shown above, which is indeed better than my previous answer.