[Tex/LaTex] Graphics in top left of titlepage


I'm working on a report and want to put a logo at the top left of the title page.


    \title{Detailed analysis of Daffy Duck's plumage}
    \author{Elmer Fudd}


    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[anchor=north west,inner sep=1cm] at (current page.north west)

However when I create the PDF, the logo is on the next page, and if I switch the positions of \maketitle and tikzpicture, the logo is on the first page and the title on the next.

I could use the titlepic-package, but here the logo is centered, and below the title and date.

Best Answer

The maketitle command creates a title page with a specific layout, I don't think you can combine it with other elements. I don't know how exactly the titlepic package works, but I suppose that it redefines the maketitle command. If you don't like how it works, you can always redefine the maketitle command yourself to produce any wanted layout for the title page.

If you don't want to redefine the maketitle command, you don't have to necessarily use it to create a title page. To create a title page, just use


In that way, you are free to define any layout you want.

Here is the minimum working example:


\title{Detailed analysis of Daffy Duck's plumage}
\author{Elmer Fudd}




    \cfoot{} % this is to remove the page number


%\maketitle % you don't need this anymore
