[Tex/LaTex] adding co-authors to customised title page for beamer presentation


I have customised my title page, using \title \date and \institute. I would like to add another line with co-authors, but I couldn't find any examples of how to do it. My ideas at the moment are

  1. I could hi-jack \insertshortinstitute, since I don't use this in anywhere else.
  2. I could define a new variable e.g. \def\mycoauthor{} (like on Use the values of \title, \author and \date on a custom title page) but then I don't know how to access it, especially since my maketitle definite is in a separate style file.

Here is a MWE showing how I create the title page at the moment, and an attempt to include coauthors:


\author[me]{A. U. Thor}
\def\coauthors{A. N. Other, J. Bloggs, J. Doe}
\institute[\coauthors]{My Institute}




   {\Large \inserttitle}\\
   {\large \insertauthor}\\
   {\large \insertshortinstitute}
   {\small \insertinstitute}\\
   \parbox{53mm}{\centering \small \insertdate\\

incidentally… why doesn't the \centering command work for \insertshortinstitute, and why do I get an error "there's no line here to end" if I put a \\ after it, as I do with \author etc.?

Best Answer

I think \author uses a minipage internally, so you can use something like

\author[me]{A. U. Thor\\[3mm]A. N. Other, J. Bloggs, J. Doe}

and forget \coauthors except you want to use them somewhere else.

If you use this construction, delete \insertshortinstitue form your style.