[Tex/LaTex] Beamer – Multiple Authors – Formatting the title page


I have 4 authors for the beamer presentation. I tried to put them but its not properly aligned. Here is a snapshot:
enter image description here

Here is the MWE:

\author[Subham Soni S. \& Mithun C.K. \& Karthikeyan \& Shantikumar L.]
            Subham Soni S.\\
            Mithun C.K.\\
            Shantikumar L.\\
   {John Doe \& Jane Doe}
\title{Work Culture}

If the authors can be arranged vertically I feel that would be better and down below in the pdf in the 3 boxes , the author names are concatenated in the first box, I saw in of the beam ppts that the authors were separated in another row. How to do that ?

Best Answer

This is another possible layout:

  \tikz\node[draw,rounded corners,align=center,] {#1};%
\author[Subham Soni S. \& Mithun C.K. \& Karthikeyan \& Shantikumar L.]
            \RBox{Subham Soni S.\\
            \RBox{Mithun C.K.\\
            \RBox{Shantikumar L.\\
            Department of CSE\\[1.1ex]
   {John Doe \& Jane Doe}
\title{Work Culture}

enter image description here

Adding these lines to the definition of \RBox

  \tikz\node[draw,rounded corners,align=center,double copy shadow={opacity=0.3,shadow xshift=1ex,shadow yshift=-0.5ex,left color = brown!40,right color = magenta!80},left color=blue!50,right color=green!50 ] {#1};%


enter image description here

I am bad too in color choice :(

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