[Tex/LaTex] Adding fields to title page / customizing title page


I need to add 3 supervisors to my titlepage. I found suggestions to make them part of \author, but it looks horrible, because every row is aligned by center (see picture). I would like to align somehow labels "Author" and "Supervisors" and in addition, all supervisors' names.

\author{Author: Me \\ Supervisors: First supervisor \\ Second \\ Third}

I tried to use tabular environment:

test 1\\

But LaTeX gives an error:

! Use of \begin doesn't match its

enter image description here

Best Answer

A simple solution is to typeset the authors inside a tabular environment, which allows you to customize the desired layout.

The problem is that \begin{tabular} will fail if used in the preamble, so you have to delay your \author inizialization after \begin{document}

Here is a MWE:

% For coherence, I move also \title, etc after \begin{document}

\title[Your Short Title]{Your Presentation}
\institute{Where You're From}
\author{\begin{tabular}{r@{ }l} 
Author:      & Me \\[1ex] 
Supervisors: & First\\
             & Second
\date{Date of Presentation}



As Gonzalo Medina noted in a comment, it is worth to mention that some beamer styles use the information provided in \author as part of the footer, or other part of the layout, and we don't want the whole tabular at that point. We can use the optional argument of \author to provide a "short version" which will be used at those places, for example:

\author[By Me]{\begin{tabular}{r@{ }l} 