[Tex/LaTex] Presentation Beamer [title page]


I want to make a cover page as the attached figure. The problem is that the beamer has, by default, the macros predefined: \author{} \title{} ', ... and their location is fixed by default.
Could you help me?

Here is my code:

\title[Short Paper Title]  

{About some things}

 { Author}

Department of Computer Science\\
University of Somewhere


enter image description here

Best Answer

Here's one possible solution (depending on your specific needs you might need to adjust some lengths and fonts); a new command \titlegraphicii was defined for inclusion of the second logo; it's used in the same way as the standard \titlegraphic:


\setbeamertemplate{title page}
\author{Presented by Author}
\title{Presentation Title}
\subtitle{Presentation Subtile}
\institute{Department \\ University}


{\centering\itshape Jury Members\par}
President: president\par\medskip
Examiners: & examiner 1 \\
& examiner 2 \\
& examiner 3 \\
& examiner 4
Supervisor 1: & supervisor \\
Supervisor 2: & supervisor


enter image description here

The line


replaces actual figures with black rectangles; delete that line in your actual document.

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