[Tex/LaTex] Title page with University Logo


I am a beginner at latex and I realize that similar questions were asked previously, but I don't really understand what to do. Here is the code for a sample titlepage that does not work for me: http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~cap/spl/titlepage.tex Here is an example of how a thesis titlepage should look like: http://othes.univie.ac.at/32753/1/2014-04-16_0348909.pdf The first error I get is ! LaTeX Error: File `RZ_Logo_Uni_sw' not found. Was this a file of the person who wrote the thesis? I did download the University logo on my computer and wrote the name of the file in its place: \includegraphics{uni_logo_farbe_01}. I get the same error message.

I still get an error message after removing \includegraphics altogether: Paragraph ended before \text@command was complete. Nevertheless, I definitely need the uni logo, but it seems this is not the only problem.

Best Answer




\input{titlepage.tex} %Following the advice given in the template


This compiles fine, if you add in a title and a name in the corresponding code blocks (between % >>>>> BEGINN TITEL >>>>> and %``The Creation of a Title Page'' and the same for the author:

\LARGE{\textsf{  % Hier kommt der eigentliche Titel, bei Bedarf mit \\
                 % ACHTUNG: Deutsche Anfuehrungszeichen: ,,Titel``
                 %          English quotes:              ``title''
    % >>>>> BEGINN TITEL >>>>>
    This is my Title
    %``The Creation of a Title Page''
    % <<<<< ENDE TITEL <<<<<

The blank line in the template is causing the trouble, it marks a new paragraph.