[Tex/LaTex] moderncv: insert a university logo at the top-left of the page


I'm using the cvtheme document class and \moderncv{classic} to create a CV. The command \photo will put a photograph at the top-right of the page. At the same time, I want to insert a logo of my university at the top-left. That is, at the top of the page, the left is the logo, the center is my name, and the right is my photograpth.

How can I modify the template to achive this? Thank you.

In the example below, I want:

1 My photo is on the upper-right ofthe page, I want to add a logo of my university on the upper-left, above "Apply for a job".

2 I want an icon to show in the front of my address, like phone and email.

3 How to change the orders of address, phone and email? I want the adress to show in the last line.

Thank you very much.

\usepackage[top=0.2in, bottom=0.2in, lmargin=0.3in, right=0.3in]{geometry} 
\firstname{\Huge \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad John}
\familyname{\Huge David}
\title{\normalsize{Apply for a job}}
\address{123 Abc Ave. Bethlehem, PA 18015}
\extrainfo{\color{black}Male, Oct. 1991} 


enter image description here

Best Answer

A quick workaround could be the following MWE:

\usepackage[top=0.2in, bottom=0.2in, lmargin=0.3in, right=0.3in]{geometry} 
\firstname{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{example-image-b}\Huge \qquad\qquad John}
\familyname{\Huge David}
\title{\normalsize{Apply for a job}}
\address{123 Abc Ave. Bethlehem, PA 18015}
\extrainfo{\color{black}Male, Oct. 1991} 


You can see that I only added command \includegraphics to command \firstname.

\firstname{\includegraphics[width=2cm]{example-image-b}\Huge \qquad\qquad John}

I used the example images from package MWE (you do not need to call it, but you have to install it on your computer).

Are you sure you want the logo of a university on the top of your cv? It is your cv, not one of the university or institut you work ...

Result of MWE:

Result of MWE