[Tex/LaTex] Conference title


How can I ​add the conference title, date and venue only to the upper right-hand corner of the first page (title page) of your source document of IEEE conference paper in font size 9pt? It looks like the following:

IEEE PEDS 2015, Sydney, Australia 9 – 12 June 2015

Best Answer

You can use eso-pic (or similar for ex, tikz) and put the text.

     \parbox{0.5\textwidth}{\raggedleft\fontsize{9}{11}\selectfont #1}}%

and then use it like

\conf{IEEE PEDS 2015, Sydney, Australia 9 – 12 June 2015}

Full code:

\title{Sample paper}

\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{author 1\\ Department 1}%
  \IEEEauthorblockN{author 2\\ Department 2}
  \IEEEauthorblockA{Institution/university \\
    mail1,mail2,mail3,mail4} \and
  \IEEEauthorblockN{author 3\\ Department 3}

     \parbox{0.5\textwidth}{\raggedleft\fontsize{9}{11}\selectfont #1}}%

\conf{IEEE PEDS 2015, Sydney, Australia 9 – 12 June 2015}

We propose ...
Broad band networks, quality of service, WDM.


enter image description here