[Tex/LaTex] Beamer – Put “Joint work with A and B”


I need to put "Joint work with A and B" on the title page of my slide for a talk on a conference. I didn't find a very clear way to do this, just found a code like below.

\title{Group Theory}
\author{My name}
\institute[My Inst.]{Full Institut Name}
% logo of my university
\date{\today \\ \vspace{1cm} \tiny{Joint work with A and B}}

Although basically the title page looks fine, on the right bottom corner of each page, the date disappears and the page number is missing.

Please help me to put the phrase "Joint work with …" on the title page, please.

Best Answer

For \author, date, and \title there is an optional argument, that is used in the structure of the frame (i.e. the footline) so you could use

\title[Group Theory]{A longer title of the talk concerning Group Theory}
\author[short name]{My full name}
\institute[My Inst.]{Full Institut Name}
% logo of my university
\date[\today]{\today \\ \vspace{1cm} \tiny{Joint work with A and B}}

to recover the footline you wanted. Without the shortened date your date-field in the footline takes more than one line and the slide number (being placed at the bottom of the footline) vanishes.