[Tex/LaTex] How to insert logo in LyX beamer


I am trying to make presentation by using LyX beamer template (already installed in program files). But I am not able in insert a university logo on title page. Hope that some one can solve this problem.
Please download any lyx file from the link below and try to insert your own logo.


I have followed the instruction given in the file.

"If you have a file called "institution-logo-filename.xxx", where xxx is a graphic format that can be processed by latex or pdflatex, resp., then you can add a logo by uncommenting the following:"


I have uncommented these two lines and have the logo file with same name "institution-logo-filename" in the same folder, but it does not work.

Best Answer

To add a logo to the titlepage, you can use the \titlegraphic command in the preamble. Go to Document --> Settings --> LaTeX preamble and add


However, this can also be done from within the GUI. Add a new line after the author(s), and choose TitleGraphic from the drop down menu in the top left. Then you can add the logo as you normally add images, by clicking add graphic.

For me, this placed the logo at the bottom of the page. If the same happens for you, you probably have to redefine the title page template. Stefan Kottwitz provides the basic idea in How to customize \titlepage in beamer?

Copy the \defbeamertemplate part to your LaTeX preamble in Document --> Settings, and change it to suit your needs. I'm not sure exactly what you want to have, but the following produced something very similar to the template, only with the logo between the authors and the affiliations.

\defbeamertemplate*{title page}{customized}[1][]
  \end{beamercolorbox} \par\medskip
  \inserttitlegraphic \par\medskip