[Tex/LaTex] Add a Copyright and a title in a latex paper


I wonder how I could add the IEEE copyright notice in the bottom centre and the conference title at the upper right hand corner in a LateX paper, with thanks.

Best Answer

In section IV.D of the IEEEtran manual you can find the details on how to use \IEEEpubid. IV.C explains \markboth for running headers.

The conference class option disables both though.

A fix for \markboth is to issue

\def\@oddfoot{\hbox{}\hfil \scriptsize \thepage}
\def\@evenfoot{\hbox{}\hfil \scriptsize \thepage}

in your preamble. You can change the contents of the first hbox to suit your needs.

If you are not using the conference option you can do



\title{Some good old Lipsum}

  \IEEEauthorblockN{Lip Sum}\\
    University of Dolor\\
\IEEEpubid{0000--0000/00\$00.00~\copyright~2012 IEEE}
\markboth{Journal of Quantum Telecommunications, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2025}{Shell \MakeLowercase{\textit{et al.}}: A Novel Tin Can Link}





As documented in the manual, the conference class option disables both \markboth and \IEEEpubid.