[Tex/LaTex] Set Font only for Title Page Latex


I want to change the font only for the title page
Right now, my code looks like this:

    \raggedleft % Right align the title page

    \rule{1pt}{\textheight} % Vertical line
    \hspace{0.05\textwidth} % Whitespace between the vertical line and title page text
    \parbox[b]{0.75\textwidth}{ % Paragraph box for holding the title page text, adjust the width to move the title page left or right on the page
         {\large\textit{...... ...... ...... }}\\[4\baselineskip]

        {\Huge\bfseries Some Title}\\[2\baselineskip] % Title

        {\Large\textsc{Some Author}} % Author name, lower case for consistent small caps

        \vspace{0.47\textheight} % Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
        {\noindent a: b}\\[0.1\baselineskip]
        {\noindent c:d}\\[\baselineskip]


How would I add the font \usepackage{stix} to only the title page?

Best Answer

Just a single line at the beginning of the titlepage:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}


\raggedleft % Right align the title page

\rule{1pt}{\textheight} % Vertical line
\hspace{0.05\textwidth} % Whitespace between the vertical line and title page text
\parbox[b]{0.75\textwidth}{ % Paragraph box for holding the title page text, adjust the width to move the title page left or right on the page
     {\large\textit{...... ...... ...... }}\\[4\baselineskip]

    {\Huge\bfseries Some Title}\\[2\baselineskip] % Title

    {\Large\textsc{Some Author}} % Author name, lower case for consistent small caps

    \vspace{0.47\textheight} % Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
    {\noindent a: b}\\[0.1\baselineskip]
    {\noindent c:d}\\[\baselineskip]



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