[Tex/LaTex] Circular Arrows and Text on Path


I did some basic tikz figures, but i have absolutely no idea how to do a figure like this:

enter image description here

Each text block should be aligned on a circular path and centered within the arrows.
Could anyone please provide me an example how to get such a figure or give me a brief idea of where to start?

Best Answer

You can create it quite easily with arcs:



\newcommand{\arcarrow}[8]% inner radius, middle radius, outer radius, start angle, end angle, tip protusion angle, options, text
{   \pgfmathsetmacro{\rin}{#1}
    \fill[#7] (\astart:\rin) arc (\astart:\aend:\rin) -- (\aend+\atip:\rmid) -- (\aend:\rout) arc (\aend:\astart:\rout) -- (\astart+\atip:\rmid) -- cycle;
    \path[decoration={text along path, text={#8}, text align={align=center}, raise=-0.5ex},decorate] (\astart+\atip:\rmid) arc (\astart+\atip:\aend+\atip:\rmid);


    \fill[even odd rule,red!30] circle (3.8) circle (3.2);
    \foreach \x in {0,60,...,300} 
    {   \arcarrow{3}{3.5}{4}{\x+20}{\x+70}{5}{red,draw=red!50!black,very thick}{text \x}


enter image description here