[Tex/LaTex] single thick arrow bent 90 degrees instead of two double thick arrows


I would like to draw such arrows in my tikz document –

enter image description here

and I have done it using the following code –

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2.5cm,auto,>=latex]
\node [single arrow, draw=none,fill=black,opacity=0.5, minimum width=0.8cm, minimum height=1.5cm,anchor=west,rotate=90] at (-3.25,-1) {}; 
\node [single arrow, draw=none,fill=black,opacity=0.5, minimum width=0.8cm, minimum height=1.6cm,anchor=west] at (-3.12,-0.845) {}; 

\node [single arrow, draw=none,fill=black,opacity=0.5, minimum width=0.8cm, minimum height=1.5cm,anchor=west,rotate=90] at (4.25,-1) {};
\node [single arrow, draw=none,fill=black,opacity=0.5, minimum width=0.8cm, minimum height=1.60cm,anchor=west,rotate=180] at (4.12,-0.845) {};


However, I find a gap between two arrows, especially when I use scalebox. I don't want to have this gap between the arrows, rather I want to make it feel like one single arrow. Could anyone tell me how to do it please?

Thanks !

Best Answer

You could use the arrow box shape like this:

\documentclass[tikz, border=0.125cm]{standalone}



\node [arrow box, 
  arrow box shaft width=0.125cm, 
  inner sep=0.125cm/2, % should be half shaft width
  arrow box arrows={north:.5cm, west:0.5cm}]

\node [arrow box, 
  arrow box shaft width=0.125cm, 
  inner sep=0.125cm/2, % should be half shaft width
  arrow box arrows={north:.5cm, east:0.5cm}]
  at (1,0) {};



enter image description here