[Tex/LaTex] Change position of node inside rectangle


is there any way to change the position of nodes inside the rectangle drawn for the node itself?
For example I got this:

\node at (0,0) [draw,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=4cm] {Lorem Ipsum};

\draw (-2,-2) rectangle (2,-1);
\node at (0,-1.8) {Lorem Ipsum};

So I need to use the first syntax (because a lot of things are based on this) but want to change the position of the text inside the rectangle as shown in the second example. Is there a way to change the position in the rectangle created by the node itself?

Thanks for you

enter image description here

Best Answer

The closest to what you like to obtain with one node:

\node at (0,0) [draw,
                text height=1cm, text depth=1ex, 
                minimum width=4cm, inner sep=-0.2ex] (a) {Lorem Ipsum};

\draw (-2,-2) rectangle (2,-1);
\node at (0,-1.8) {Lorem Ipsum};

enter image description here

The node above is slightly taller.