[Tex/LaTex] Biblatex citation order


I'm facing a problem with biblatex citation order.

Using this configuration:

\documentclass {article}

Being frameworks.bib this:

author = {Ralph Johnson, Brian Foote},
title = {Designin Reusable Classes},
journal = {Journal of Object-Oriented Programming SIGS},
year = {1988},
key = {Johnson:88},
volume = {1},
number = {5},
pages = {22-35},
month = jun

author = {Fontoura M., Pree W., Rumpe B.},
editor = {Addison-Wesley},
title = {The UML Profile for Framework Architectures},
year = {2000},

The PDF is generated with a text like:

Something about something[4], and moo foo other children[1].

This citation [4] is the first in all text. How can I order this correctly to [1]...[2] ...?

Best Answer

You can achieve this by using the sorting=none option. Here is a fully working MWE:



   Aksin~\cite{aksin} says one in his article.
   Aristotle~\cite{aristotle:poetics} says two in his book.
   Angenendt~\cite{angenendt} says three in his article.
   And Augustine \cite{augustine} says four in his book.

From section 3.1.2 of the biblatex documentation:
biblatex knows various schemes for sorting, these are:

  • nty Sort by name, title, year.
  • nyt Sort by name, year, title.
  • nyvt Sort by name, year, volume, title.
  • anyt Sort by alphabetic label, name, year, title.
  • anyvt Sort by alphabetic label, name, year, volume, title.
  • ynt Sort by year, name, title.
  • ydnt Sort by year (descending), name, title.
  • none Do not sort at all. All entries are processed in citation order.
  • debug Sort by entry key. This is intended for debugging only.

If sorting still fails, try backend=biber, it is more stable especially with UTF8 .bib files.
Instead of calling (pdf)latex, bibtex, (pdf)latex, (pdf)latex
you would then instead call (pdf)latex, biber, (pdf)latex.