[Tex/LaTex] How to adjust verbose-like citation style to requirements of the department


I’m preparing my PhD thesis [social science] and I need to adjust style of footnotes and bibliography to the formal demands of my department [of one of the universities in Poland].

I need almost full citation in footnotes. So I started to use verbose

I started to use

biblatex (with biber)



as it is the closest style that I could find. But it still needs some improvements/modifications.

By using it i get something like this:
enter image description here

while I need something like this:

enter image description here

My desired format for footnotes and bibliography is:

  1. For articles: Name of Author(s): Title of article in italics and no quotation mark. “Title of journal in quotation mark (without italics and no “[in:]” before it)” Year, vol. no.
  2. For incollection: Name of Author(s): Title of chapter in italics and no quotation mark. [in:] Title of book in italics, Name of Editor(s) and after it (ed./eds. in parenthesis). City Year of publications (without comma in between)
  3. For edited books: Name of author(s), (ed./eds. in parenthesis). Title of book in italics. City Year of publication (no comma in between)
  4. For books: Only change that I need is that there would be no comma between City Year of publication

In sum, the abovementioned style has all the elements that I need but they order and formatting needs to be a little bit changed.


Main document

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit\footcite{Balmaceda.2008}.

Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis\footcite{Aalto.2012c}.

Curabitur dictum gravida mauris\footcite{Belyi.2015}.

Bibliography (Przypisy.bib)

 author = {Aalto, Pami and Dusseault, David and Kivinen, Markku and Kennedy, Michael D.},
 title = {{H}ow are {R}ussian energy policies formulated? {L}inking the actors and structures of energy policy},
 editor = {Aalto, Pami},
 booktitle = {{R}ussia's energy policies},
 year = {2012},
 address = {Cheltenham and Northampton, MA}

 author = {Balmaceda, Margarita Mercedes},
 year = {2008},
 title = {{C}orruption, {I}ntermediary {C}ompanies, and {E}nergy {S}ecurity: {L}ithuania's {L}essons for {C}entral and {E}astern {E}urope},
 volume = {55},
 number = {4},
 journal = {Problems of Post-Communism},

 year = {2015},
 title = {{S}tates and markets in hydrocarbon sectors},
 address = {Basingstoke and New York, NY},
 editor = {Belyi, Andrei V. and Talus, Kim}

In sum, the abovementioned style has all the elements that I need but they order and formatting needs to be a little bit changed.

Best Answer

Since verbose-inote-luh-ipw doesn't differ that much from verbose-inote, I decided to use the latter as basis. It is often nicer to modify the standard styles directly instead of the (sometimes highly-specific) custom styles.

Try (filecontents warning: the document will overwrite the .bib file with the same name)


 author    = {Aalto, Pami and Dusseault, David and Kivinen, Markku and Kennedy, Michael D.},
 title     = {{H}ow are {R}ussian energy policies formulated? {L}inking the actors and structures of energy policy},
 editor    = {Aalto, Pami},
 booktitle = {{R}ussia's energy policies},
 year      = {2012},
 address   = {Cheltenham and Northampton, MA},

 author  = {Balmaceda, Margarita Mercedes},
 year    = {2008},
 title   = {{C}orruption, {I}ntermediary {C}ompanies, and {E}nergy {S}ecurity: {L}ithuania's {L}essons for {C}entral and {E}astern {E}urope},
 volume  = {55},
 number  = {4},
 journal = {Problems of Post-Communism},

 year    = {2015},
 title   = {{S}tates and markets in hydrocarbon sectors},
 address = {Basingstoke and New York, NY},
 editor  = {Belyi, Andrei V. and Talus, Kim},

\DeclareFieldFormat[article,periodical]{volume}{\bibstring{jourvol}~#1}% volume of a journal
\DeclareFieldFormat[article,periodical]{number}{\bibstring{number}~#1}% number of a journal










Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit\footcite{Balmaceda.2008}.

Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis\footcite{Aalto.2012c}.

Curabitur dictum gravida mauris\footcite{Belyi.2015}.