[Tex/LaTex] Change footnote citation style


I'm quite new to BibLaTeX and i'm trying to modify the verbose-ibid style to my requirements. The Bibliography ist perfect but the footnotes aren't doing all the things I want.

First: In one footnote I cite a inproceeding with an editor but the editor isn't shown. Instead there ist only "—" whereas in the bibliography there is the editor.

Second: The short citation in the footnote is like this: "Author, Title. Pages."
But I would like to have it like this: "Author Year: Pages."

Thanks for your help and sorry for my bad english.

EDIT: Here my document:

   paper=portrait, % landscape
   pagesize=auto, % driver
   version=last, %
\usepackage[babel, german=quotes]{csquotes}
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=verbose-ibid]{biblatex}    
    sorting=nyt, % Sort by name, title, year.
    bibwarn=true, %
    bibencoding=inputenc, % (auto, ascii, inputenc, <encoding>)
    firstinits=false,% Initialien Erzeugen


\footcite[S. 3]{allkemper14}



for this Bib-entry:

   author = {Allkemper, Alo and Eke, Norbert Otto},
   title = {Literaturwissenschaft},
   volume = {4., aktualisierte Auflage},
   address = {Paderborn},
   publisher = {Wilhelm Fink},
   year = {2014},

And the third footnote gives out this: Allkemper und Eke, Literaturwissenschaft, S. 3.
But i would like to have this: Allkemper und Eke 2014: S. 3.

Best Answer

Following my solution to Biblatex: First citation as full reference and following citations ibid or - when interrupted - short citation we can redefine the cite:short macro of verbose-ibid.cbx


For this we will have to add labeldate to biblatex's options (as in \usepackage[backend=biber, style=verbose-ibid, labelyear]{biblatex}).

Finally, we redefine a few delimiters in order to get a mere space between name and year and a colon before the page number.



\usepackage[babel, german=quotes]{csquotes}
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=verbose-ibid, labelyear]{biblatex}    






enter image description here

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