[Tex/LaTex] How to sort references by the lastname of the first author and citation style should be


In a single-column journal paper, I would like to sort the reference by the lastname of the first authors and also the citation style should be

 (<LastName of first author, year>)

All the references are in the same .tex file where the paper's title and authors and abstract are also located.


  LastName, J., LastName, Y., 2002, \emph{How to write a book}, Journal of MATH, 57, 1093-1111.


I cannot figure out how to do this even though I have checked

Best Answer

If creating the bibliography entirely by hand is ok by you, you can get your desired citation call-out style rather easily. Simply:

  • load the natbib package with the option round and use \citep{<key>} to generate the citation callouts; and

  • use the optional argument of each \bibitem directive to store just the first author's surname and the publication year (in parentheses), with no space between the surname and the (year).

A full example:

enter image description here

\usepackage[round]{natbib} % for '\citep' macro

\citep{AnItemName} % generate a 'parenthetic-style' citation call-out


% Note: No space between 'SurnameA' and '(year)'
SurnameA, J., SurnameB, Y., 2002, \emph{How to write a book}, Journal of MATH, 57, 1093--1111.
