[Tex/LaTex] Beamer, gastex, and include images


My goal is to have an image created with gastex and include an image (a png,jpg,pdf,.. image) into the gastex one. For example, draw an automaton with a smiley picture in a state.

I've read around about including images using latex+dvipdf. From what I've seen (here) it's not possible to include images using these two tools. My problem is that gastex compiles only with these two tools and not with pdflatex. So I'm stuck..

This is my code (red-x.jpg is a standard jpg image):


\gasset{Nw=6,Nh=6,Nmr=10} %nWidth nHeight

In order to compile with latex+dvipdf you need to use: \includegraphics[bb=0 0 20 20]{red-x.jpg}. Using xelatex, the gastex image does not show and only the red-x shows.


Best Answer

Try using jpeg2ps to convert red-x.jpg into an eps file (note that this is not a 'true' conversion; it just puts a postscript wrapper around the bitmap image). Using your example with


worked for me.