[Tex/LaTex] Randomly arrange images in beamer


I would like to arrange images in a beamer presentation without having to set them in a predefined position.
Is there a package or a fast way to place randomly into the beamer a given number of images?


I would like to move them in the beamer and not having them on the same line.

Best Answer

You can use TikZ's nodes and rnd to randomize the position; the command \PlaceImageRnd has as mandatory argument a comma separated list of the image name files:


The line

\pgfmathsetseed{\pdfuniformdeviate 10000000}

makes each run of the code to update the locations.

The code:


  \pgfmathsetseed{\pdfuniformdeviate 10000000}
  \foreach \Image in {#1}
    \node at (10*rnd,6*rnd) 




On the first run I got:

enter image description here

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