[Tex/LaTex] anchor arrow start position


Attached below is the minimum working example. I would like the arrow to end at the
west anchor of the node "operation". I tried anchor and few other possibilities but they don't seem to affect the edge position.

\tikzstyle{data}=[circle,shade,fill=blue!60, draw]
\tikzstyle{operator}=[shape=rectangle, rounded corners, fill=cyan, draw=cyan]   

\node[data] (uncurated) {content};  
\path node[operator] (schematize) [below = of uncurated.south]{operation}
edge[<-,thick]  node[auto]{\tiny flow} (uncurated.south);  


Best Answer

It might be easier to just use a separate draw command and specify the in= and out= angles:

enter image description here


\tikzstyle{data}=[circle,shade,fill=blue!60, draw]
\tikzstyle{operator}=[shape=rectangle, rounded corners, fill=cyan, draw=cyan]   

\node[data] (uncurated) {content};  
\path node[operator] (schematize) [below = of uncurated.south]{operation}
edge[<-,thick]  node[auto]{\tiny flow} (uncurated.south);  
\path [->, thick, red] (uncurated.south) edge (schematize.west);
\node[data] (uncurated) {content};  
\path node[operator] (schematize) [below = of uncurated.south]{operation}
edge[<-,thick]  node[auto]{\tiny flow} (uncurated.south);  
\path [->, thick, blue] (uncurated.south) edge[out=-145, in=180] (schematize.west);