Drawing a chess queen in a Tikz grid


I'm quite new to LaTeX and I'm trying to replicate this using Tikz:

Possible ways to place 4 queens on a 4 x 4 chessboard

I know there is some chess-related things I can include, but it diesn't seems to be adapted for something like this.



\draw[xstep=0.75cm,ystep=0.5,color=gray] (0,0) grid (3,2);
\matrix[matrix of nodes,
inner sep=0pt,
anchor=south west,
nodes={inner sep=0pt,text width=.75cm,align=center,minimum height=.5cm}
  & ♕ &   &    \\
  &   &    & ♕ \\
♕&   &    &    \\
  &   & ♕ &    \\

This is my best attempt while trying to reproduce it. However this yield an error because the unicode character of the queen is not included in the utf-8 inputenc I guess, and I couldn't find how to include a special character or a picture in a Tikz grid…

I am not english and I am new to this forum, so the post might contain few mistakes. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks in advance for your help !

Best Answer

So I finally found how to solve the problem after some additionnal searches on special characters. For anyone who would have the same problem, the package skak seems to be perfect:


\draw[step=0.5cm,color=gray] (-1,-1) grid (1,1);
\matrix[matrix of nodes,nodes={inner sep=0pt,text width=.5cm,align=center,minimum height=.5cm}]{
  & \symqueen &   &   \\
  &   &   & \symqueen \\
\symqueen &   &   &   \\
  &   & \symqueen &  \\};

Thanks for the replies!

enter image description here