[Tex/LaTex] Tikz Polar Grid


I'm working on a Smith Chart using TikZ. Currently I'm writing it with everything scaled to a unit circle (centered on 0,0 with a radius of 1) without units. Then scaling so it's a reasonably sized figure.

The problem I'm running into is that when drawing some of the minor grid lines for certain sections, particularly when you're close to the x-axis the radius of the circles i'm drawing becomes much larger than is possible in TikZ.

For example this halts with a Dimension too large error due to the 1/\x term for position and radius:

    \foreach \x in {0.01, 0.02, ..., 0.2} {
            \draw (1, {1/\x}) circle ({1/\x});

Image without circles whose radii are too large:

Image without circles whose radii are too large.

What I'm thinking, is instead of drawing individual circles it would be much easier to draw a polar grid to avoid drawing circles with extremely large radii. However, I haven't been able to find any information about how to do that.

Is there a package or work-around for drawing polar grids?

Best Answer

You could use PGFplots (version 1.5) for this. It can draw polar axes with very flexible customisation possibilities:


    minor tick num=4,   
    minor grid style=black!25,
    major grid style={black!75,thick}]
\addplot coordinates {(0,1) (90,1)
(180,1) (270,1)};
