MATLAB: Does the MATLAB installer crash or fail when I launch it on the Linux system


I am trying to install MATLAB from a DVD or downloads, but the installer will not run on my system.

Best Answer

There are a few reasons the MATLAB installer might fail to run on Linux without displaying an error message or creating a crash logs.
If you are getting a specific error message, please try searching for it in the MathWorks Documentation:
If you are not getting a specific error, or are unsure what the error is, please try the following steps to help resolve the issue.
1) Check the MATLAB system requirements for Linux.
To check the version of Linux:
Open up a terminal window.
Issue the command " uname -r "
Linux system requirements for the current release of MATLAB:
Linux system requirements for previous releases of MATLAB:
2) Verify that the MATLAB installation files are appropriate for your system architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).
Make sure that you are not trying to install a 64-bit release of MATLAB on a 32-bit version of Linux, or vice versa.
3) Make sure that the Java Folder inside the MATLAB installation folder has read,write and execute permission.(If you do not have administrative permissions, contact your system administrator.)
4) Give recursively permission to the entire installation directory.
Use " chmod -R 755 /home/MATLAB_RXXXX " (Need Administrator access to perform the command.)
5) If the issue still persist, download a fresh copy of MATLAB ISO image from your MathWorks account and try installing MATLAB.
< How do I install MathWorks products using an ISO image?>