MATLAB: Is the MATLAB installer unable to detect an existing MATLAB installation on the Unix-based computer


I have already installed MATLAB, and I am using the MATLAB installed to add an additional toolbox to MATLAB. However, I am unable to get the installer to recognize the existing installation, and I am unable to install the toolbox. Why is the MATLAB installer unable to detect an existing MATLAB installation on my Unix-based computer?

Best Answer

The MATLAB installer will fail to detect an existing installation if the permissions on the machine prevent it from properly reading and writing to the installation directory. If running the installation as a standard user account fails, run the installer with the sudo command to install as root. This can be done with the following commands in the terminal:
sudo /Volumes/matlab_R20XXx_maci64/
on Mac machines
sudo /path/to/installation/folder/
on Linux machines.
If you are unable to resolve the issues with installation, please contact MathWorks Licensing and Installation Support for further assistance.