MATLAB: Renaming files using MATLAB


How can I rename files on my computer using MATLAB?
I have many files on my computer and want to use MATLAB to rename them all at once.

Best Answer

From MATLAB, you can use the "movefile" function to rename files on your machine:
For more information on managing files and folders in MATLAB see this documentation:
Alternatively, you can use the "system" command which executes on the local operating system.
On Windows using CMD, the "rename" command works like this:
C:> rename file_path new_name
C:> rename C:\Temp\file1.txt file2.txt
So in MATLAB, from the directory with the file you could execute:
>> system("rename " + "old_name.txt" + " " + "new_name.txt")
If the file names contain spaces, this can confuse the operating system, so a more robust approach is to wrap each file name in double quotes like this:
>> system("rename " + '"' + "old name.txt" + '" "' + "new name.txt" + '"')
This produces a system command like this:
C:> rename "old name.txt" "new name.txt"
To use MATLAB variables for the old and new file names you can use these MATLAB commands:
>> old_path_to_file = "C:\Temp\test a.txt";
>> new_filename = "test b.txt";
>> cmd = "rename " + '"' + old_path_to_file + '" "' + new_filename + '"';
>> system(cmd);
On a Linux or macOS (Unix) system, this would be:
>> old_path_to_file = "/tmp/test a.txt";
>> new_filename = "test b.txt";
>> cmd = "mv " + '"' + old_path_to_file + '" "' + new_filename + '"';
>> system(cmd);