MATLAB: Root() in answer of solve function

differential equations

Hello, I am solving a partial derivative equation using symbolic expression. After using f1= diff(f,Qs) and solve(f1,Qs), I got the following answer that have root(….). Anybody can explain to me how can I get rid of root()? Note: z is not defined initially
Thanks for your help
Example:ans= root(3*a^2*k^2*z^6 – 2*Qn*a^2*k^2*z^5 + 4*a*k*z^5 – 3*Qn^2*a^2*k^2*z^4 + 8*Qn*a*k*z^4,z,1)

Best Answer

RootOf(f(z), z) represents the set of values, z, that satisfy f(z) == 0 -- the roots of the expression.
You have a polynomial of degree 6. There are not generally exact solutions to such polynomials, but if the polynomial is what is shown, that particular one can be factored to create four 0's and two exact roots.
You could try applying simple() to the output.