MATLAB: Solve returning root but doesn’t give a numerical expression.


Hello ! I'm actually using the function " solve ", but instead of returning an expression, i get the following : "
root(z^4 - (10*z^3)/9 - z^2/6561 - z/729 - 91/6561, z, 1)
root(z^4 - (10*z^3)/9 - z^2/6561 - z/729 - 91/6561, z, 2)
root(z^4 - (10*z^3)/9 - z^2/6561 - z/729 - 91/6561, z, 3)
root(z^4 - (10*z^3)/9 - z^2/6561 - z/729 - 91/6561, z, 4)
These are indeed the solutions, but why it doesn't express it ? If i use the function " roots " with a vector with the above coefficient, it gives me the solution numerically. Anyone have a way to either get the answer numerically, or to extract the coeffcient of the above expression automatically ? In any case, here is the simple code :
clear all
syms a
Thanks !

Best Answer

sol = solve(t2, a, 'MaxDegree', 4)
You should consider the possibility that you are using the wrong tool. solve() is for finding exact solutions. Your h is a floating point number rather than being 1/sym(10), which suggests that you are not interested in exact solutions. You should be giving consideration to using vpasolve() instead of solve()