MATLAB: Solving three equations for 3 unknows


Hi Guys, I have the three following equations:
(2*c*w1)+b2 == 0.3205;
((2*c*b2)+ w1)*w1 == 214200;
And I need to find the values of: c, w1 and b2…. is there a function for me to do it?
Thanks for your time.

Best Answer

For your system, use vpasolve (link) to get numeric results. You may also need to use the double function if you want to use the results in other calculations.
syms c w1 b2
Eqs = [(2*c*w1)+b2 == 0.3205;
((2*c*b2)+ w1)*w1 == 214200;
[c,w1,b2] = vpasolve(Eqs, [c,w1,b2])