MATLAB: Solving quartic eqn returns root

quartic equationSymbolic Math Toolbox

When I solve a quartic equation using solve by following the following steps
syms H Bo
eqn=H^4 + Bo/15*H^3 + 24/15*H + 4/15*Bo==0;
I get no explicit functional expression for H in terms of Bo but the following result:
solx =
root(z^4 + (Bo*z^3)/15 + (8*z)/5 + (4*Bo)/15, z, 1)
root(z^4 + (Bo*z^3)/15 + (8*z)/5 + (4*Bo)/15, z, 2)
root(z^4 + (Bo*z^3)/15 + (8*z)/5 + (4*Bo)/15, z, 3)
root(z^4 + (Bo*z^3)/15 + (8*z)/5 + (4*Bo)/15, z, 4)
How do I get solve the above quartic equation and get an explicit expression for H in terms of Bo?

Best Answer

solx = vpa(solve(eqn,H,'Maxdegree',4))
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