MATLAB: Do I receive License Manager Error -10


Why do I receive the following error:
ERROR: License Manager Error -10
License checkout failed. Feature has expired.

Best Answer

License Manager Error -10 indicates that one or more of your products has expired.
If you are receiving this when attempting to open MATLAB, please try reactivating your machine. 
How do I activate MATLAB or other MathWorks Products?
If you are getting License Manager Error -10 when trying to use specific toolboxes, please double check that the license has not expired, and update it using the instructions below.
How do I update my MATLAB license file for an Individual or Designated Computer license?
For network licenses, please contact your License Administrator and ensure that the hosted license file is up to date. 
If you are using a trial license, this error indicates that your trial has expired.
To extend your trial, please contact your sales representative: