MATLAB: How to renew or extend the trial


My trial is expiring or is expired. How do I extend or renew my trail or get a new one?

Best Answer

To request an extension of your trial period for a product, please contact our sales department. For the fastest turn around, please use the link below to submit a request for a trial extension:
If you already have been given a trial extension, then you will need to update your license file to reflect the new expiration date. The two links below explains how to update your trial for Individual and Network trials respectively.
How do I update my MATLAB license file for an Individual or Designated Computer license?
How do I update the license file on the license server?
If you have a Login Named User (LNU) Trial, then the update is automatically done and nothing is required.
If you have not yet been issued a trial, or if you would like to request new trial products, please use the following link to access self-serve trials or request other trials: