MATLAB: How to search for substrings in a string


I have a string ->
This string contains a substring (bold part – K1001) -> 1583_pwer_exp_Exxxx_aqxxx_tqx_K2_vxxx_K1001_
Letter K + an arbitrary (random) 4-digit number. I want to write out this 4 digit number.
Thx. 🙂
Here is my code:
my_strings="1583_pwer_exp_Exxxx_aqxxx_tqx_K2_vxxx_K1001_ "
tmp = regexp(my_strings,'(?<=_K)\d+','match','once');

Best Answer

You can specify that you want exactly 4 digits after '_K'
my_strings = '1583_pwer_exp_Exxxx_aqxxx_tqx_K2_vxxx_K1001_'
tmp = regexp(my_strings,'(?<=_K)\d{4}', 'match','once');