MATLAB: Replacing commas with whitespaces using regexprep

MATLABregexprepreplacing commas

i am new to Matlab and really struggling with the regexprep function. I try to replace commas in brackets with whitespaces, so i can use the split function, without splitting my data in brackets.
str= '(asdf,(50,51,52),jklö)'
str_desired='(asdf,(50 51 52),jklö)'
I already found this:
rep=' '
newstr=regexprep(str,exp,rep)= '( ),jklö)'+
But its not quite doing what i want, and i cant figure out how to place the hexadecimalvalue '\x2C' for comma.
Thank you very much!

Best Answer

>> str = '(asdf,(50,51,52),jkl)';
>> regexprep(str,'(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)','$1 $2 $3')
ans = (asdf,(50 51 52),jkl)
If you are already using regexprep I don't see the point in using strsplit as well, you might as well just use regexp to split the string up.