MATLAB: How to extract multiple numbers with regexp


I am trying to pull the ID from the following string.
'blah String XX blah'
where XX is the number that could be anything from 0 – 9999. I have tried the regular expression below but this only works for 0 – 9. Any ideas?
[aa,bb] = regexp(sss,'String (\d+)')

Best Answer

id = regexp(sss, '(?<=String\s+)(\d+)', 'match', 'once');
The result will be a cell array of string containing the matched string
If you want it more directly then
id = regexprep(sss, '(.*?String\s+)(\d+)(.*)', '$2', 'once');
The result would be a string directly.
The first version, the regexp version, is looking for digits proceeded by 'String' with the 'String' part marked up to indicate it is not to form part of the match.
The second version, the regexprep version, is matching on beginning of line to the first occurrence of 'String' as one group, matching on the digits as a second group, and matching to the end of the line as a third group, and is replacing the three matches with the content of the second group, thus effectively throwing away everything before and after the digits.