MATLAB: Filter string in the string


I am quietly new with matlab script.
I have a string as example.
str = 'this matlab is a good software, it is a version 9.4 which is equal to 2018a'
objective, I want to filter the number from that string ( so it is "9.4").
Note that I cannot see that number. All i want is to scan that number and show in my workspace.
so the scribt should read the text and identify the number of the version and show in my workspace.
I appreciate your help.

Best Answer

str = 'this matlab is a good software, it is a version 9.4 which is equal to 2018a'
str = char(str);
idx = find((uint8(str)>=48 & uint8(str)<=57) | uint8(str)==46 | uint8(str)==32);
res = split(string(str(idx))," ");
The second line makes sure that it also works with:
str = "this matlab is a good software, it is a version 9.4 which is equal to 2018a"