MATLAB: How to pick data from time range of every day

dataThingSpeaktimetime range

How do I pick up a data in the specific time period through all the days back?
This is my code so far…
% set time range from 8H to 12H of every day
S = timerange('08:00:00','12:00:00');
% Read Temperature Data
data = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID,'Fields',TemperatureFieldID, ...
'timerange',S, 'ReadKey',readAPIKey);
% Calculate the maximum and minimum temperatures in the period
[maxTempF] = max(data);
[minTempF] = min(data);
I would be so happy for any ideas 🙂

Best Answer

Here's an example:
d = thingSpeakRead(12397,'NumPoints',8000,'OutputFormat','TimeTable');
t = timerange(today('datetime'),today('datetime')+hours(3));
first3Hr = d(t,:)
Feel free to modify as needed. Also take a look at the documentation for thingSpeakRead, timerange and date/time arithmetic in MATLAB.