MATLAB: How to enable email notification once a month or after 30 days.

arduinoiotMATLABmatlab coderThingSpeak

Here is the code, i only want email notification once a month. How can i schedule notification for the same.
% Enter your MATLAB Code below
% Read Output Water Quantity over the past month from a ThingSpeak channel and write
% the average to another ThingSpeak channel.
% Channel 1035265 contains data from the MathWorks water supply station, located
% in Natick, Massachusetts. The data is collected once every day. Field
% 3 contains output liquid quantity data.
% Channel ID to read data from
readChannelID = 1035265;
% Output Liquid Quantity Field ID
outputliquidqantityFieldID = 3;
% Channel Read API Key
% If your channel is private, then enter the read API Key between the '' below:
readAPIKey = '';
% Get Output Liquid Quantity data for the last 30 days from the MathWorks water supply
% station channel. Learn more about the THINGSPEAKREAD function by going to
% the Documentation tab on the right side pane of this page.
meter_reading = thingSpeakRead(readChannelID,'Fields', outputliquidqantityFieldID,'NumPoints',1,'ReadKey',readAPIKey);
% Calculate the Cost
Billing_cost = 5* (meter_reading/1000);
display(Billing_cost,'Total Billing Cost (INR)');
% Start by setting the channel ID and Alert key. All alert key start with TAK.
data = thingSpeakRead(1035265,"NumDays", 30);
formatSpec = "The Water consumption bill is: %d,%d";
A1 = 5* (meter_reading/1000);
A2 = meter_reading
apiKey = 'TAK14ZOZGAXZQMR05';
alertURL = "";
options = weboptions("HeaderFields", ["ThingSpeak-Alerts-API-Key", apiKey ]);
alertBody = sprintf(formatSpec,A1,A2)
alertSubject = sprintf(" Water consumption exceeded 100 kl!");
if meter_reading >= 100
webwrite(alertURL, "body", alertBody, "subject", alertSubject, options);

Best Answer

Have you taken a look at the TimeControl app on ThingSpeak? You can use that to schedule your MATLAB code to run on a schedule of your choice.