MATLAB: How to create a bar chart


I'm quite new to the field of manipulating my data and can't find any examples of my goal.
I have a channel with a field (fieldMotion) where I receive data from a motionsensor where I simply write ThingSpeak.setField(3, 1) for every motion detected. I would like to create a bar chart (in a Visualization) where I sum every 1's within an hour to show amount of motions per hour for a day. Also I would like to do the same per day for a week. Could anybody please help me with a working code I could use to make this work?

Best Answer

Use ThingSpeakRead to get your data, i reccomend a timetable:
data = thingSpeakRead(channelID,'Fields',[1,4],'NumPoints',3,'OutputFormat','TimeTable');
% might have to add api key for private channels
Use retime to create the sum
sumData=retime(data,'hourly','sum'); % I think daily is also possible for your second request.
plot your bar chart
You will probably have to change TemperatureF to the name of your field. Leave the semicolon off the first command to see the varaible names when you run it.
Then add it to the channel where you want to see it.