MATLAB: How to get text in figures to display symbols

greek letterssymbolstext;

I know how to display greek letters in a plot label using xlabel and ylabel, but when I try to get other text in a figure (not on a plot) to display greek letters or other symbols it doesn't work. When I use:
uicontrol('Style','text','Units','pixels','Position',[1557 970 135 20], ...
the result that's displayed is "\lambda", not the small case greek letter. I'm also trying to display a degree symbol and the same thing happens when I use "\circ", and I have to use a * in the mean time.
Any suggestions? Thanks, Dave

Best Answer

You can set the uicontrol style to push or listbox or radio or toggle or checkbox or popup (but not text or edit). Then you can set the String property to '<HTML>λ' . You might also want to set the Enable property to off.