MATLAB: Set figure properties ‘String’


I've been looking at the matlab documentation for set() work on figure properties, but I can't find things with 'String' properties. If the code writes like:
set(..., 'String', ...)
What does the property 'String' mean?

Best Answer

For uicontrol of style 'text', the String property is what is displayed in the uicontrol text area. For style 'edit', the String property is the text that is initially placed in the uicontrol edit area. For style 'radio' or 'push' or 'checkbox, the String property is the label to display. For 'list' or 'popup', the String property is the entries to put into the menus. In short, for uicontrol, the String property is something to display to the user.
For text() graphic objects, the String property is the text to be plotted.