MATLAB: How to set text formatting of \leq and \geq look similar to that of < and > symbols

graphicsgreekinterpretersMATLABrenderingsymbol [~]

I want to display text having few Greek symbols (\leq, \geq) in a MATLAB figure. I want to use 'Helvetica' font in bold with a 'FontSize' of 8.
I have tried using "tex" and "latex" interpreters but both of them had some issues and did not match my desired output.
1) I am using  following code to annotate text using 'tex' interpreter. 
t1 = text('String', '1.5 ms^{-1} \leq {\itu}_f < 2.0 ms^{-1}',...
'FontSize', 20, 'FontWeight', 'bold', 'Position', [.3 .3 0]);
As can be seen in output below, the formatting of the "less than or equal" symbol is different from the "less than" symbol.

2) I am using  following code to annotate text using 'latex' interpreter. 
t2 = text('String','$2.0\,\mathrm{ms^{-1}} \leq u_\mathrm{f} < 2.5\, \mathrm{ms^{-1}}$',...
'Interpreter','latex','FontSize',20, 'Position', [.3 .5 0]);
As can be seen in output below, the two symbols are identical but not bold like the previous text object. Font is also changed.

Can you please suggest a workaround to fix this issue and get the output with desired text formatting requirements.

Best Answer

To get the desired output, use equivalent unicode character codes instead of "\leq" and "\geq" along with the default "tex" interpreter.
t1 = text('String', ['1.5 ms^{-1} ',char(8804),' {\itu}_f < 2.0 ms^{-1}'], 'FontSize', 20,...
FontWeight', 'bold', 'Position', [.3 .3 0]);
t2 = text('String', ['1.5 ms^{-1} ',char(8805),' {\itu}_f > 2.0 ms^{-1}'], 'FontSize', 20,...
'FontWeight', 'bold', 'Position', [.3 .5 0]);