MATLAB: How can i display Amharic fonts on MATLAB GUI whose unicode ranges from &#4608 t0 &#4988


original string='ሀለመሰረቀበተቸነአከወዘ';
on MATLAB editor and push buttons the string becomes a square box.
on Matlab Edit texts it shows nothing except the HTML tag.
pushbutton = uicontrol('style', 'push', 'edit', '<html>ab&#4608;&#4609;&#4610;&#4611;c');

Best Answer

Unicode is not supported in plots or uicontrols before R2014b. Which MATLAB version are you using, and which font are you configuring?
Actually in OS-X in R2014a (before the full Unicode support), the following works for me:
pushbutton = uicontrol('style', 'push', 'string', '<html>ab&#4608;&#4609;&#4610;&#4611;c');
However, setting an edit control to this or to contain the unicode characters does not work in R2014a