MATLAB: Does the windows manager crash when I close the figures produced by the BENCH function in MATLAB 7.0 (R14) on the MAC machine


Why does my windows manager crash when I close the figures produced by the BENCH function in MATLAB 7.0 (R14) on the MAC machine?
I can run the BENCH function on my Mac machine, but when I close the top figure that is produced and then the figure below it, the windows manager crashes.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This has been verified as a bug in MATLAB 7.0 (R14) in the way that the windows manager handles closing the top figure window.
Currently, to work around this issue, try closing the figures in an order different from how they are presented on the screen.