MATLAB: Do I receive a “Licensing error: 400” when using the MDCS on demand license

MATLAB Parallel Server

Why do I receive the following error message when attempting to use my MDCS on-demand MHLM license?
Error: Dispatching the task failed due to an exception
thrown on the worker:
License checkout failed.
License Manager Error 400
You have reached the active session limit for your

Best Answer

If you are receiving a License Manager Error 400 when attempting to use your MDCS On-demand license then you probably lack the permissions to use this license. This can happen if your organization has purchased the license, but has not yet added you to the license as a Licensed End User.
To check to see if you are associated with an MDCS on-demand license, click this link, and log in if prompted:
If you are associated to an MDCS on-demand license but still cannot access MDCS on-demand, check if the user in question has on-demand permissions turned on. Select your MDCS on-demand license from in the license center and click the "End Users and License Contacts" tab. You should see a permission next to the end users on the license called "Allow On-demand." A green check indicates the user can access MDCS on-demand, a red X indicates they do not have permissions.
If you are the administrator of the license you can adjust the permissions on this page to your liking. Please note that even if you are the administrator of the MDCS on-demand license, you must also be associated to the license as an end-user with "allow on-demand" checked on in order to actually use MDCS on-demand.