MATLAB: Do I receive a “No Permission to Download” error when attempting to download


I recently purchased a new license but receive the following error when attempting to download the products for it:
ERROR: No Permission to Download
To download products and updates,the Administrator on your license must grant you permission to download.
Contact the Administrator on your license to enable download access.

Best Answer

In order to download MATLAB products you must be associated to a license as an Administrator or Licensed End User. If you are associated as a Licensed End User, your Administrator must Allow Product Downloading for your MathWorks Account. The administrator can change these settings on the Manage Users tab in the License Center.
As a License Administrator, see the following support article for instructions on adding a Licensed End User:
If your license allows self-association, see the following article for instructions on associating yourself to a license:
If you are already associated to the license with the correct download permissions and still receive this error message, please perform the following:
  1. Log out of your MathWorks Account.
  2. Clear your web browser's cache and cookies. For detailed instructions, consult your web browser's documentation.
  3. Log back into your MathWorks Account and attempt the download again.