MATLAB: Checkbox in APP designer

app designercheckboxes in a tableMATLABtable

In the Matlab built in examaple call "TableDataAppExample.mlapp", a graphical table component is filled (by the function startupFcn(app)) with a variable table call "t" by the sentence
% Add data to the Table UI Component
app.UITable.Data = t;
The data in the therd column of the variable table "t" is a logical value, its value either is "true" or "false", and after filling the graphical table (by app.UITable.Data = t;) it happens that in the therd column logical "true" appears as a checked checkbox, and logical "false" appears as an unchecked checkbox.
My problem is…
When I do the same in my ongoing APP design it happens that when a fill my graphical table from a variable table, columns defined in this variable table as logical "true" appear as a "1" in the graphical table, and columns defined as logical "false" appear as a "0",
How can I make them to appear as a checked or unchecked checkbox as in the "TableDataAppExample.mlapp" example ?.

Best Answer

R2020b Documentation for 'uitable' specifies that logical arrays will be displayed as checkboxes.
Refer this page:
Is there any error or warning displayed for your use case?